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Donate to the WikiLeaks official Defence Fund

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Please donate to the WikiLeaks official Defence Fund

Your support is vital

WikiLeaks relies on supporters around the world to sustain itself in the face of increasing threats to its journalists and activities. Your contribution will be valuable in defending WikiLeaks and the public’s right to know.

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Help WikiLeaks Fight the DNC

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In April 2018, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) filed a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against WikiLeaks simply for publishing its emails. This lawsuit is the biggest attack on freedom of speech and constitutional rights in decades.

The DNC does not allege WikiLeaks participated in hacking of any kind. It is suing WikiLeaks for providing accurate, newsworthy information to the public

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Help WikiLeaks Sue Guardian Over Fabricated Story

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Help WikiLeaks sue The Guardian for fabricating a story that Julian Assange had secret meetings with Paul Manafort

The Guardian has claimed, using unnamed sources, that former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort had “secret talks” with Julian Assange  in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London on three occasions. These claims are completely false and the story has been fabricated. But it has gone viral, repeated uncritically by media outlets around the world.

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